Prices May Vary Depending on Condition of Gun.

Doubles & O/U $ 400.00
Re-Solder (per rib) $ 100.00
Double Rifles $ 600.00
Bolt Actions $ 600.00
Prices by quote
Small Parts Only - Prices start at $50.00 per part, (does not include polishing.)
On Quote - Prices start at $550.00

Satin Oil Finish - 100 % Pore Filled
Semi - Gloss Oil
High Shine Polished Oil

Satin starts at $500.00
Semi-Gloss starts at $750.00
High Shine starts at $1,000.00

Additional charges may occur for difficult stock patterns, special stains, or bad condition of original stocks. Satin Oil Finish consist of a pore filled soft oil finish with no build up, Semi-gloss Oil finsih which is pore filled with 15 coats of finish of hand rubbed oil. High Gloss oil finish is between 20 or 30 coats of hand rubbed oil finish and then polished.