Service Charges | Price Range |
Per Man Hour | $100.00 |
Per Man & Machine Hour | $150.00 |
Minimum Charge Per Gun | $ 50.00 |
Written appraisals, cost estimates | $ 50.00 |
Clean & Oil Customer's Gun - Consisting of completely stripping gun, cleaning all parts, checking for wear, making suggestions to a customer of services needed to put in A-1 condition. We work on all quality firearms – service for these guns are by quote. | starts at $125.00 |
Metal Finishing | Price Range |
Oxynate 7 TM Rebluing - Abrasive / bead blast / wire wheel (matte) finish | starts at $350.00 |
Deluxe Finish: Same as above followed with #240 and #400 grit polish with all screw holes and corners protected and square. | Price Range |
Handgun | $250.00 - $450.00 |
Rifle/shotgun | $275.00 - $475.00 |
Master Finish: Same as Deluxe Finish with all polishing marks removed, no ripples, and finished with #555 polish to a mirror finish. | Price Range |
Handgun | starts at $450.00 |
Rifle/shotgun - Does not include S x S or O/U | starts at $475.00, shotgun(action only) $550 |
IM TM , Belgian Bluing | Price Range |
Handgun | $starts at $425.00 |
Rifle/shotgun | $starts at $425.00 Shotgun Action Only O/U starts at $525.00 |
Slow Rust Bluing/Browning | Price Range |
Barrel | starts at $600.00 |
Full gun | starts at $800.00 |
NitreBlue TM BLUING (Small parts / accessories) Not including polishing time. | $ 50.00/each, $200.00 rings, grips, extractors - $200.00 |
Color Case Hardening | starts at $325.00 |
Metal Checkering | Hourly Rate |
Engine – Turning Bolt | Hourly Rate |
Engine-Turning Small Parts | Hourly Rate |
Draw-Filing (per man hour) | Hourly Rate |
SIGHT WORK | Price Range |
Sight in Customer Gun - Does not include cost of ammo, targets, etc. | $ 100.00 - $ 150.00 |
Bore Sighting Customer Gun | $ 30.00 - $ 40.00 |
Pattern Shotgun - Does not include cost of ammo, targets, etc. | $ 60.00 - $ 85.00 |
Drill and Tap Barrel or Receiver for Sights per hole. | $ 55.00 |
Cut Dovetail in Barrel | $ 50.00 - $ 95.00 |
Install Front Sight Ramp | Price Range |
Sweat-on type | starts at $200.00 |
Screw-on type (including drill & tap) | $ 60.00 - $200.00 |
Band type | Hourly Rate |
Install Insert in Pistol Sight | $ 60.00 |
Install Front or Mid-Rib Bead | $ 55.00 |
On Shotgun (Plus cost of sight) | $ 45.00 |
Plug hole and re-drill for bead | $ 50.00 - $ 165.00 |
Install Receiver Sights Gun drilled and tapped | starts at $100.00 |
Scope Mounting - includes lapping rings | $100.00 - $250.00 |
General Barrel, Action & Rifle Work | Price Range |
Check Headspace | $ 95.00 |
Make Chamber Cast | $ 105.00 |
Remove Stuck Fired Case From Chamber | Hourly Rate |
Remove Live Round From Chamber | starts at $150.00 |
Remove Obstruction From Bore | Hourly Rate |
Remove Fouling From Barrel | Hourly Rate + Materials |
Lap Barrel | starts at $130.00 |
Install Liner In Barrel - Not including cost of liner or bluing. | starts at $225.00 |
Cut And Crown Barrel - Includes disassemble and reassemble Rifles and Shotguns / Handguns | starts at $125.00 |
Chamber And Fit, Pre-fitting Barrel To Action Does not include the cost of the barrel, action, polishing, bluing. | starts at $750.00 |
Install Pre-Threaded And Chambered | per quote |
Barrel - Not Including Polishing & Bluing - Lap In Bolt Lugs - Not Including Setting Back Barrel Or Fitting New Barrel. | $350.00 |
Welding On New Bolt Handle | starts at $350.00 |
Forging Bolt Handle | $ 65.00 -$115.00 |
Make And Install Spring | Hourly Rate |
Install Muzzle Brake | $150.00 |
Recontour Front Or Rear Reciever Ring | Hourly Rate |
Install Barrel Band Swivel | Hourly Rate |
SAFETIES, INSTALLING (does not include parts) | Price Range |
Dakota, Gentry, Mod 70 Type Safety /Shroud (+ Finishing) | starts at $350.00 |
Mark Ii/Beuhler Type | |
Chapman Swing Safety Lever |
Triggers (INSTALLATION Or Adjustment- parts not included) | Price Range |
Shilen, Timney, Dayton-Traister, Moyer Type | starts at $190.00 |
Double-Set | starts at $350.00 |
Single Set | starts at $140.00 |
Shotgun Work | Price Range |
Long Forcing Cone Non-plated bores, per barrel | $ 90.00 |
Long Forcing Cone Plated bores, per barrel | $150.00 |
Resolder Rib - Not including bluing | Hourly Rate |
Resolder Forend Lug- Not including bluing | Hourly Rate |
Raising Dent in Barrel - Not including bluing | starts at $150.00 |
Straighten/ Adjust Barrel | starts at $ 95.00 |
Polish- Chamber/Bore | starts at $ 75.00 |
Back-Boring - Per Barrel, non-plated bores | Hourly Rate |
Open Modify Choke | starts at $95.00 |
Per barrel or tube, non-plated bores. | ???? |
Install Screw-in Choke (3=tubes) | Price Range |
Win-Choke ® , Colonial, etc. (non-plated bore) | starts at $450.00 |
Port Barrel – Per Barrel | starts at ?? |
Refitting Hinge Pin Lug – back to face weld up locks. | starts at $900.00 |
Muzzle Loader Work | Price Range |
Pull Ball | Hourly Rate |
Remove Broken Ramrod from Barrel | $100.00 |
Handgun Work | Price Range |
Revolver Action Job - Clean, smooth action,not including replacement of parts | starts at $250.00 |
Rebarrel Revolver - Remove Old Barrel | starts at $300.00 |
Replace With New Factory Barrel, Labor Only | starts at $200.00 |
Straighten Crane On Revolver | starts at $ 60.00 |
Install Crane Lock | starts at $ 60.00 |
Remove/Modify Revolver Hammer Spur | starts at $ 150.00 |
Convert Revolver From Square - Butt To Round Butt (does not include finishes) | starts at $200.00 |
Semi-Auto Pistol Action Job - Clean, Smooth Action, Not Including Any Parts | starts at $250.00 |
Tighten Slide Of 1911 Auto | starts at $200.00 |
Fit Barrel To 1911 Auto, Not Including Barrel , Non-Ramped Barrel | starts at $350.00 |
Ramped Barrel | starts at $550.00 |
Fit And Install Barrel Bushing On 1911 Auto, Does Not Include Cost Of Bushing | starts at $ 100.00 |
Bevel Magazine Well Of 1911 Auto ( extra charge for finish) | $265.00 |
Checker Front Of Frame On 1911 Auto | starts at $450.00 |
Stipple Frame | starts at $ 550.00 |
Open And Modify Ejection Port Of 1911 Auto Slide | $155.00 |
Throat, Polish Barrel And Feed Ramp Of 1911 Auto | $125.00 |
Fit New Trigger To 1911, Does Not Include Cost Of Trigger | Hourly Rate |
Fit Custom Hammer To 1911, Does Not Include Cost Of Hammer | starts at $ 100.00 |
Cut Slide For Bo Mar, W/O Sight, Plain Cut | Quote |
W/Side Shields | Quote |
Cut Slide For Dovetail Front Sight, W/O Sight | Quote |
Cut Slide For Novak Rear, W/O Sight | Quote |
Dehorn & Break Edges For Carry (Not Including Refinishing) | $500.00 |
Full Melt Down Beveling – does not include refinishing | $500.00 |
Modify 1911 Auto Frame For Beavertail Safety Includes Fitting Of Safety (Does Not Include Cost Of Safety Or Refinishing) | $500.00 |
Stock Work Wood Finishing (Oil Finish) | Price Range |
Hunter Finish – non gloss finish, filled oil on average stock | $600.00 |
Same finish but on a complicated stock | $700.00 |
Gunsmith Finish - Filled, rubbed oil finish on average stock | $1000.00 |
Same finish but on a complicated stock | $1200.00 |
Other finishes available | per quote |
Recutting Checkering - Other than by the hour, per panel | Price Range |
Simple pattern | starts at $150.00 |
Complicated pattern | starts at $200.00 |
Glass Bedding Barrel & Action | Price Range |
Hunting Rifle | $350.00 |
Pillar Bed | $400.00 |
Install Recoil Pad – Includes Pad | $150.00 |
Install Adjustable Butt Plate - Labor Only | $150.00 - $250.00 |
Install Sling Swivels - Std And Q/D | $ 55.00 |
Install Stock Cross Bolt (Not Including Refinish) | $200.00 |
Install Recoil Reducer - Simple Installation In Butt Stock | $ 65.00 |
Drill Stock & Install Recoil Reducer | Hourly Rate |
Fit, Bed And Finish Fiberglass Stock Blank | starts at $950.00 |
Install Adjustable Comb Hardware | by quote only |
Gun Fitting Work | Price Range |
Consultation | Hourly Rate starts at $150.00 |
Your Gun Measurements & Numbers | $250.00 |
Stock Bending Per Bend 1st Bend (Cast) | $250.00 |
Second Bend (Drop) | $200.00 |
Pattern Board – (does not include ammo) | starts at $100.00 |
Length of Pull with Pitch (includes pad) | $200.00 |
Leather Wrap Pad (no plugs) | $600.00 |
Leather Wrap Pad (with two plugs) | $600.00 |
Double Rifle Work | Price Range |
Back to Face and Heat Treating | by quote |
Make Firing Pins | $155.00/Hr. With Machine |
Part Made (includes heat treating) | $155.00/Hr. With Machine |
Rust Blue Barrel (no pits) | $800.00 |
Re-Regulate Sights | Hourly Rate |
Relay Rib & Rust Blue | starts at $1000.00 |
Reblue Action and Furniture | by quote |
Color Case Action | starts at $850.00 |
Refinish Wood | Quote |
Call for Quote on Complete Restoration – One of my Specialties | Quote |
Other Repair Work | Quote |

1/4 Ribs
Square Bridging
Bottom Metal
Barrel Work
Site Making
Double Rifle Regulating and Site Work
Forcing Cones
Screw in Chokes
Back Boring Barrel Patterning and Choke Work
Claw Mounts
Converting Pistol Grip Trigger Guard to Straight Stock Trigger Guard
Claw Mounts
Site Work
Ejector Work
Part Manufacturing
Stock Work
Rust Bluing
Tighten Up and Bring Back to Face

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